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Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke 

Adjunct Research Fellow, University of Southern Queensland (Australia)
Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS)
Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU)


Deep-Sky Objects (catalogues, history, visual observation)  Theoretical Physics/Astrophysics (General Relativity, cosmology, quantum field theory)

Last update: 2 February 2025

Current Matters

 Here you will find an overview of previous lectures and courses.

My English translation of Günther Buttmann's classic biography "Wilhelm Herschel - Leben und Werk" of 1961 was published in autumn 2023 by "Books on Demand".
My book "William Herschel - Discoverer of the Deep Sky" about the observations of William und Caroline Herschel was published on 13 October 2021 by "Books on Demand". It is available as hardcover or paperpack (also on amazon).

2024 versions of my files, containing historic or modern data - there is nothing comparable!

Historic ZC - Carline Herschel's famous Zone Catalogue is now available for the first time! She finished the unpublished work in 1825.

Historic M - Historical data of Messier's catalogue (M)

Historic WH - Historical data of William Herschel's three catalogues (H)

Historic JH - Historical data of John Herschel's Slough and Cape catalogues (h)

Historic Au - Historical data of Arthur Auwers' list of 50 new nebulae (Au)

Historic GC - Historical data of John Herschel's General Catalogue (GC) and Dreyer's "Supplement" (GCS)

Historic NGCIC - Historical data of Dreyer's New General Catalogue (NGC) and Index catalogue (IC)

NGC/IC Observers - Biographical information of all NGC/IC observers

Revised NGC/IC - Revised data and modern identifications for all NGC/IC objects

The Revised NGC/IC is used by: Space Telescope Science Institute, Mathematica, The Sky, Guide, SkyMap Pro, Starry Night, Sky Chart, Eye & Telescope, Carte du Ciel, Xephem, Losmandy

Please give the source, when using this data!

The book Nebulae, Star Clusters, Galaxies was published in 2019 by "Books on Demand" (available by amazon).

The enhanced, English version of my comprehensive study on the history of the NGC has been published in August 2010 by Cambridge University Press. The 660-page book is titled Observing an Cataloguing Nebulae and Star Clusters - from Herschel to Dreyer's New General Catalogue. Look here for more details.


A comprehensive biography on Lord Rosse, editied by Charles Mollan, has appeared in Juli 2014, published by Manchester University Press. I contribute with 70-page chapter on "Birr Castle Observations of Non-stellar Objects and the Development of Nebular Theories".

Selected papers (pdf):

The M51 Mystery - Lord Rosse, Robinson, South and the Discovery of Spiral Structure in 1845

William & John Herschel's problems in cataloguing M 81 and M 82

Biography of John Louis Emil Dreyer

For more books and papers see Publications.

  Further Content of my Homepage
HZ 46 Compact Galaxies, AGN, Quasars, and Variable Extragalactic Objects
Double quasar Catalogue of Bright Quasars and BL Lacertae-Objects (KHQ)
KDG 189 Catalogue of Groups of Galaxies (KDG)
VdS-Journal Bibliography (Books, Articles)
FG Deep-Sky Membership in Astronomical Associations, Workgroups, and Projects
My first telescope Short "Astronomical" Biography

Dr. Wolfgang Steinicke
Gottenheimerstr. 18
D-79224 Umkirch
Tel. +49 (0) 7665 51863