Short "astronomical" biographyDr. Wolfgang Steinicke |
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1962 | Through broadcasts of Dr. Rudolf Kühn my interest in astronomy growed at the age of 10 | Picture |
1965 | Lectures from Joachim Herrmann, a visit at the Reklinghausen Public Observatory and talks from Prof. Heinz Haber on TV further inspired me | Picture |
1965 | First telescopes: 30 mm finder and 50 mm (2") Kosmos refractor | Picture |
1967 | Bought used 110 mm (4") Newtonian, observing many objects (Messier, NGC) with the aid of star charts from Schurig-Götz (edition 1925) and Beyer-Graff and the "Tabellenbuch für Sternfreunde" (J. Herrmann): growing interest in deep-sky data | Picture |
1968 | Subscription of the german astro-magazine "Sterne und Weltraum" | |
1972-84 | Study of physics in Aachen and Freiburg, later spezialising in General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics; additional study of mathematics and informatics; scientific assistant at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (Prof. K. Westphal) | |
1976 | Member of the Vereinigung der Sternfreunde e.V. (VdS) | |
1977 | Member of the Sternfreunde Breisgau e.V. (SFB) in Freiburg | |
1978 | First astronomical lectures | |
1982 | Visual observations of deep-sky objects with a C14 (Horben/Freiburg 600 m; since 1985: Schauinsland 1250 m); my first computer | |
1984 | Publication of my "Katalog heller Quasare und BL Lacertae Objekte" and "Katalog der Galaxiengruppen", presentation (lectures) on astronomical meetings | Picture |
1987 | Transfer of deep-sky catalogue data on digital magnetic tape (CCT) from CDS, Strasbourg | |
1988 | First version od my deep-sky database CAT 2000 | |
1991 | Start of courses on astronomical themes (adult education) | |
1992 | Interest in "History of Astronomy" | |
1997 | First "Revised NGC/IC", core team member of the NGC/IC Project | |
1998 | Cooperation in the VdS-Fachgruppe (section) "Deep-Sky" | |
2000 | Leader of the VdS-Fachgruppe "Deep-Sky" (at the annual meeting DST2000) | Picture |
2001 | Board member of the "Vereinigung der Sternfreunde" (VdS) | |
2001 | Member of the "Webb Society" | |
2002 | Committee member of the "Webb Society" (Director of "Nebulae and Clusters" section) | |
2002 | Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS) | |
2002 | Leader of the VdS-Fachgruppe "History of Astronomy" | |
2002 | Member of "Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte" in the German "Astronomische Gesellschaft" (AG) | |
2003 | Secretary of the "Vereinigung der Sternfreunde" (VdS) | |
2004 | Book "Praxishandbuch Deep-Sky" (Kosmos-Verlag) | Picture |
2006 | First version of "Historic NGC" | |
2007 | Book "Galaxies and How to Observe them" (Springer, New York) | |
2008 | Book "Sternwarten. 95 astronomische Observatorien in aller Welt" (Oculunm) | |
2008 | First version of "Historic IC" | |
2008 | PhD at Hamburg University with a thesis on the history of the New General Catalogue (published 2009) | |
2010 | Publication of my book"Observing and Cataloguing Nebulae and Star Clusters" by Cambridge University Press | |
2010 | Revision of famous historical deep-sky catalogues (Messier, W. & J. Herschel, Auwers, Dreyer) | |
2011 | Book contribution "Einstein und die Gravitationswellen" (tredition) | |
2012 | Book contribution "The Construction of the Heavens" (Hoskin, Cambridge University Press) | |
2013 | Book "Galaxien" (Oculum Verlag) | |
2013 | Talk "Amateurs discover the Deep Sky", Stockholm Observatory | |
2014 | Book contribution "George Rümkers Hamburger Nebelbeobachtungen" (tredition) | |
2014 | Talks "John Herschel" at Royal Cape Observatory, Bloomfontain Observatory, ASSA Durban | |
2014 | Book contribution "Birr Castle observations of non-stellar objects and the development of nebular theories" (Manchester University Press) | |
2016 | Talk "Lord Rosse and his observations", Royal Dublin Society | |
2017 | Book contribution "Oudemans’ Observations of Total Solar Eclipses from the Dutch East Indies" (Springer) | |
2017 | Book "Astronomie in Deutschland" (Oculum Verlag) | |
2018 | Book contribution "William Herschel's Star Gages and the Structure of the Milky Way" (Springer) | |
2019 | Book "Nebulae, Star Clusters, Galaxies" (BoD) | |
2021 | Book contribution "A Comprehensive Field Guide to the NGC" (Bahwesh Parekh) | |
2021 | Book "William Herschel - Discoverer of the Deep Sky" (BoD) | |
2022 | Conference "200 Years William Herschel", Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Society | |
2022 | Committee member Herschel Society, Bath | |
2023 | Membership Society for the History of Astronomy | |
2023 | Adjunct Research Fellow at University of Southern Queensland, Australia | |
2024 | Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) |